Saturday, 9 January 2016

'Acquiesce' film screening at ICA for London Short Film Festival, Sunday 10 Jan & Sunday 17th Jan 2016.

WOO check out 'Acquiesce' as it plays on the big screen at ICA, London. Here's more info:

It'll be the first time i've seen it at the cinema, where all it's faults and errors will be STRETCHED TO THE MAX. Nonetheless, looking forward to seeing the entire programme at large. 

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Reel A.L.E: A (Screen-based) Landscape Exhibition

Reel A.L.E: A (Screen-based) Landscape Exhibition

Reel meets A.L.E (A Landscape Exhibition), a year-long art programme taking a skewed look at the landscape as a subject for art. This programme features films that capture the landscape in different ways: literal, poetic, acoustic, electronic, figurative, abstract and autobiographical. This event was also the preview of a new film 'There & Back':  a film painting workshop for a creative youth group, led by Stewart Collinson at [gP] studio. See below for the programme listing and video previews:


Film Painting Workshop with Stewart Collinson. from General Practice on Vimeo.

Weirdstone (For Alan Garner). from Adam Scovell on Vimeo.

elocation short from Emma Osbourn on Vimeo.

Transitus Angeli from Stewart Collinson on Vimeo.

Live Performance by Angry Gang (coming soon)

This Is My Land (excerpt) from Ben Rivers on Vimeo.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

'Acquiesce' (2014)

The soundtrack for this film is subtle at times, so please wear headphones for a full listening experience.
In the beginning, a lonely cosmonaut drifts through the outer reaches of space communicating with the stars (Quiescence, a film by Nathan Baxter: 'Acquiesce' is a short film made from paper sheets, cut-out over a light box. The story follows a Cosmonaut's return to Earth, and his struggle to survive in the shadows of a white-hot world. Before his efforts to evade danger lead him into the clutches of unknown darkness.
A stop-motion picture by Thomas Cuthbertson and Ross Oliver
Concept by Nathan Baxter
Sound by Angry Gang
Thanks to Rob Britt, Felicity Shum and Phil Eastwood for support. This film was made as part of the AA2A programme at University of Lincoln.
'Acquiesce' is a stop-motion picture shot at 12 frames per second, but sometimes 8 frames. All frames are individual drawings, or blank sheets of paper, laid onto a lightbox and captured on 'I Can Animate' for iPad in landscape format from a top-down view. Exported in HD 720p widescreen and compiled on Adobe Premiere Pro. Sounds made from tape recordings by Ross Oliver and Nathan Baxter (Angry Gang), compiled by Thomas Cuthbertson.
Recycled paper sheets, A4 & various other sizes.
Black carbon paper.
'I Can Animate' for iPad mini.
Thank you for watching.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Reel no.6 now online!

Thank you to those who made the christmas party event. You withstood the weather, and were rewarded with free festive offerings. For all, the reel no.6 programme is now up, so visit the Reel page to acquaint or reacquaint yourself with the latest show. Merry Christmas!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Pages updated!

If you take your eyes to the next pages, you will notice some changes. I am up to date!

Monday, 25 February 2013

Reel #4 Update

I am happy to announce that I have permission for Phil Mulloy and David Shrigley to feature in  Reel #4. I am absolutely chuffed and will report more exciting news as it comes!